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Application Development/Modernization
Credit Application Portal - Anda Inc.
The client required a customized credit management portal (CMP) that provided them w/ a user-friendly web app that fully automated the manual process of managing, tracking, analyzing and approving credit to their customers.
They need to remove the mistake prone and high cost of personnel having to spend their valuable time on teteous data entry by integrating automate APIs to internal and external systems that populated the CMP on a daily, weeky, monthly and annual basis (whatever was necessary)
They need this done fast before their bi-annual company audit.
Case Study
Credit Application Portal - Anda Inc.
Design, build, implement, and host custom web application that is fully secured, and can be reached from anywhere via PC or Mobile.
Integration of various internal and 3rd party applications and data sources through RESTful APIs
Development of a custom parsing tool to glean the information provided from these various data sources.
Programmed AI and ML to notify and/or take action on the collection of data. Optimization of the technology stack & architecture, driving key performance and cost-savings.
Creation of custom workflows that matched the company's existing policies and procedures, and multiple alerts and notifications to stakeholders through various channels such as email & SMS.
Solution Approach
Our client’s software solutions are typically highly complex with specific interfaces and requirements.
The software has previously been developed utilizing Microsoft Access DB application, a low/to no code solution.
The Access system was not built for automation, performance, API integration, or easy access from outside the company's network.
It was an EXTREMELY MANUAL process that required a lot of employees to manage.
Ability to process x10 the # of client files with 1/2 the personnel.
Automation of data entry has reduced account data errors by 98%
AI and ML programming captures errors and alerts the necessary personnel for immediate fixing.
Reduced the processing time it takes our clients credit department to increase or decrease customers line of credit.
Creates visibility, transparency, and accessibility to credit executive team that enables them to make decisions quickly, accurately, and securely from anywhere in the world.
Benefits to Client